By Anne Rice, Esquire on Thursday, 06 May 2021
Category: Workers Compensation

Injured At Work? Here's What to Do

What do you do when prevention has failed, and you’ve been injured at work? 

Even with the best efforts, accidents happen, and serious injuries can result in unpaid medical bills, lost time from work, lost wages, and job insecurity.  The good news is there is FREE information available through places like OSHA and the New Hampshire Department of Labor. 

For OSHA’s national website go to and for OSHA’s New Hampshire office, go to

 If you need assistance and/or contact information, go to the New Hampshire Department of Labor website:  For information about workplace injuries on the NHDOL website go to

If you need additional assistance and want to help maximize recovery and limit losses, contact an attorney who specializes in New Hampshire Workers’ Compensation or New Hampshire employment.

You may not be aware, but under NH law an employee who suffers an injury in and during the course of work is entitled to payment for related medical bills and compensation for lost wages due to the work injury. In addition, employers are required to offer injured workers temporary alternative duty during their recovery, even if the employee has restrictions and needs accommodation. Moreover, in the case of employers with five or more employees, they must hold an injured worker’s job open for 18 months after the date of injury, even if it’s been filled by someone else in the meantime! That can be a huge benefit, and it’s specific to New Hampshire law.

At Rice Law Office PLLC, we offer FREE telephone case evaluations for work injuries by calling 603-528-5299. There is no cost to you to for the initial call and no commitment.

We also offer FREE information and helpful links for self-help on our resource pages. We encourage you to browse our FAQ’s, blogs and news section to learn more about your legal rights and benefits. 

If you decide you could use more help and that you would benefit from hiring an attorney, you needn’t be worried about how you will pay for our help. Like most offices, we offer contingent fee agreements to our injury and workers’ compensation clients, where you only pay us a fee if we recover money for you. We’re in your corner, ready to guide you with the experience and tenacity you need to recover your losses and get back to your life.

Whether you become a client or just make use of our resources, we want you to know, you have rights, there is help available and you’re not alone.